Sunday, November 27, 2016

You might just Die Laughin, after watching this masterpiece.
Also, this movie is on DVD and I have it. I got it at Park Meadows at AV Games. on the same disc there is a movie called Peter Rottentail.

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Saturday, October 1, 2016

This is a great trailer, not exactly SwampCox style, but, it's a great movie you should all see.

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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Attraction - 2017

For some reason it's cute when Russians try things.

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Logan's Run - 1976

I watch this, and I dream of everyone on Tinder dying.

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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Dead End (2003)

Pack up the kids, they'll be in the car for a LONG time. In Dead End, we see a family of disgruntled people going to an older persons house for Christmas. The scenic road, was it the best choice? I think so, I get funny feelings when I watch this. Feelings of hopelessness too, like in Silent Hill. Very 90s Comedy I think, It's a nice surprise. It's on Amazon Prime at the moment.

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