Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Invaders From Mars-1986

There have been numerous times when I have tried describing this movie to people at parties while I was under the influence. Unfortunately I was never able to remember the name of this cinematic phantom from my childhood long forgotten so I would call it " That movie where people get sucked underground and have their brains switched by those giant meat-ball things"
Sadly, nobody knew what the fuck I was talking about and dismissed my drunken rant as some straight to DVD sequel of TREMORS or concluded that I was making it up for some twisted form of attention. Well I finally found the trailer. The movie is real and not a figment of my imagination. Dre wins.
P.S.-It's also directed by Tobe Hooper ( Texas Chainsaw Massacre ) So I jus' got bonus points for seeing it before I turned 12. oh snap!

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