Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Corpse Grinders - 1972

Ted V Mikels must have been pretty busy in 1972, the year he produced both this gem and the aforementioned Blood Orgy of the She-Devils. Are the movies any good? Who cares. The trailers are brilliant.

The plot to this movie is pretty straightforward: A cat food company about to go under decides to use corpses instead of quality meats, which in turn drive the cats mad enough to kill and devour their owners, having had a taste for man-flesh. Like the Birds, only without the spectacle of Tippy Hedron and several hundred blue-screened birds (or however that effect was achieved).

I think the real treat in this trailer is in the voiceover, much as it is in Blood Orgy - "Do you know what this is? It's a corpse grinding machine!" How could a line like that not spur you into the drive-in/video store/online DVD distribution center, your inner monologue echoing the title of this movie incessantly, daring you to witness the amazing cinema that is the Corpse Grinders?

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