Tuesday, December 18, 2007

She - 1982

Not a trailer - there doesn't seem to be one readily available on the interwubz. And I actually looked pretty hard. So here's a clip, from which you might actually derive the intense 'what the fuck?!' feeling that this full movie will instill within you.

She is the story of a barbarian woman/goddess called simply She who goes adventuring with two men, Dick and Tom, seeking their sister. Along the way they do battle with mutants, swordsmen, werewolves and other monsters (the clip above features, uh, Frankenstein's monster wearing what might be an old-skool DIY band jacket?). They travel from lands set in Conan-like fantasy to places where black ties and tuxes are necessary attire for dinner. Much of this movie makes almost no sense, but it's a nonstop ride to awesome-town, much aided by the ingestion of alcohol, though you'll have an almost equally good time without.

Seriously, you might as well add this to your Netflix right now, because it's impossible to be disappointed by this movie.

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