Saturday, December 29, 2007

Samurai Cop - 1989

Here's hopefully the only time this will ever happen: IMDB doesn't allow embedding of their trailers, or if they do it's not very easy to figure out how to do it. So here's a link to the trailer for Samurai Cop, possibly the greatest movie ever made. Go ahead and watch the trailer, then come back. I'll wait for it.

* * * * *

Holy shit. Samurai Cop. What can I say about this movie that the trailer doesn't immediately fucking tell you? I know that it's terrible and unrelentingly awesome all at the same time. It's about a cop who's a samurai. This doesn't even need a plot. Samurai Cop goes around killing bad guys who burn his girlfriend with bacon grease, that's the only plot you need to know. This trailer must have been part of a Joe Bob Briggs collection, but it's the only one I could find, so you're stuck with it.

Here's a little snippet of just how awesome this fucking movie is, courtesy of AkumuHau, who has many more clips of many more awful, awful movies.

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