Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I Am Legend - 2007 - Spoiler: It Sucked

Why bother posting the trailer to a movie to heart-wrenchingly and gut-painfully different from some of the most beautifully unnerving source material available? Because this is a fucking trailer blog, that's why.

Here's the deal: If you've read Matheson's seminal novella I Am Legend, then you're aware that it's one of the top three vampire stories ever written and has one of the bleakest endings tacked onto a story told in three acts, each one subsequently displaying an even more unfathomable loneliness than the previous. So when you go to the movie adaptation (Omega Man is closer to the source than this Will-Smith-Joke vehicle) and find that it not only doesn't resemble that work, but the titular Legend has been deformed into a Hollywood Bullshit Happy Ending? Well, it makes you feel as though part of you was taken out, raped by homonculi and re-inserted complete with the mucousy semen of a thousand AIDS ridden creatures. If they'd used even a quarter of the scenes in the book (Matheson is known primarily for his television writing and it shows clearly in the novella, which would make an easy adaptation), this movie would have been amazing. Instead? Well, I mentioned something earlier about feeling violated.

Don't see it, don't let your friends see it, don't let your local theater show it. Read the book then burn down a studio. Maybe something worthwhile could come of I Am Legend if we all just did our part.

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1 comment:

DreDay said...

I like how the trailer starts by telling us straight off the bat "Nothing happened how it was supposed to happen"...I should have expected that movie would suck but I let my guard down. Will Smith and the guy that destroyed Constantine. Maybe if he had really bad source material he would make a good movie? Cause he's fuckin' up all the good shit.